36th Annual EcoFarm Conference(Grower)
Asilomar State Beach & Conference Grounds
800 Asilomar Ave
Pacific Grove, CA
Phone: 240.552.9195
The Ecological Farming Association presents the 36th annual EcoFarm Conference, ‘Regenerating Our Lands and Water’, at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, California, January 20 - 23, 2016.
As the largest and oldest ecological agricultural gathering in the West, the EcoFarm Conference offers more than 70 workshops featuring an array of educational and technical workshops for farmers, ranchers, distributors, retailers, activists, consumers, students, and educators, along with notable keynote speakers, an exhibitor marketplace, live entertainment, discussion groups, mixers, delicious organic meals and
libations. Visit www.eco-farm.org for more info and to register.