
Water Stewardship - Filter Strips, Roads, IPM, Weeds (Prop 50)

This 3 year project built upon previous CCVT research and was funded by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The goal is to understand the relationships between winegrowing practices and water quality through demonstrations and replicated field trials.

There are three main areas of winegrowing practices studied in the project:

Erosion Control

The Water Stewardship Project focuses on demonstrating practices like vegetative road management, cover crops, and grassy waterways that reduce soil erosion.

Organophosphate Reduction

The Water Stewardship Project addresses this issue by demonstrating a low-toxic ant bait station for argentine ant population control with partnering growers to assess their effectiveness.

Alternatives to Simazine

Under The Water Stewardship Project, CCVT will be evaluating alternative weed control methods and their effectiveness in comparison to Simazine.

Results and Findings


Thanks to the Regional Water Qualtiy Control Board for funding.